Airshow 400 Entertainment System
AirCell ST-3100 SATCOM
Belted Toilet Seat certified for takeoff and landing
RVSM Compliant
2 Sets of NiCad batteries
2 cabin & 1 cockpit 110 volt AC outlets
WSI weather installed
All required & recommended SB’s completed
Numerous optional SB’s completed
AIRFRAME, ENGINE & APU STATUS – As of January 30, 2017
Total Time: 4,503.7 Total Landings: 3,651
LEFT ENGINE: Honeywell TFE731-20‐AR‐1B
Serial Number: P-116354
Hours: 4,503.7
Cycles: 3,652
RIGHT ENGINE: Honeywell TFE731‐20-AR-1B
Serial Number: P-116356
Hours: 4,494.3
Cycles: 3,646
APU: Honeywell RE100LJ, S/N P-245, 1,880.6 hours, 3,722 cycles.
Honeywell Primus 1000 System
Dual Honeywell DU-870 EFIS/MFD with four 8” by 7” Displays
Dual Honeywell IC-600 Autopilot Computers
Dual Honeywell AHZ-800 AHRS Computers
Dual Honeywell AZ-850 Air Data Computers
Dual RM855 Radio Management Units
Dual RCZ-850 Integrated COMM units (8.33 kHz spacing)
Dual RNZ‐851 Integrated NAV units (with Mode S Transponders, DME with FM Immunity)
Dual ADF‐860 ADF
Honeywell RT‐300 Radio Altimeter Honeywell
Primus WU-880 Color Radar
Dual Universal UNS‐1EW (WAAS/LPV) and FMS
Bendix/King KHF‐950HF Radio with SELCAL
AlliedSignal CVR
AlliedSignal EGPWS with Windshear
AlliedSignal CAS 67 TCAS II System (Change 7)
ELT C-406‐2 (406 Mhz)
8 Passenger Executive Seating with a Center Club and Belted Aft Lav Seat Six Folding Tables / Ultra Suede Sidewalls and Ceiling
New Carpet and Tan Leather re‐dyed in 2011
Woodwork Refinished, New Seat Belts and Plating in 2008